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  • January 29, 2019

Every Teen Accepted

Every Teen Accepted

Every Teen Accepted 1024 683 LA County Library

Every Teen Accepted

Programs, Spaces, Special Collections, and Volunteer Opportunities for Teens

Being a teen can be tough, but LA County Library strives to be a welcome place for all ages, especially teens!  We offer teenagers space to be themselves, and opportunities to learn and grow. We believe all teens are unique, and appreciate them for who they are now, and who they are going to become.

We are proud to host nearly 1,000 teens as volunteers every year. Many volunteers are part of our thriving Teen Advisory Boards, or TABs.  Our TABs gather at our libraries and, working with our Teen Librarians, advise the library on materials to purchase, help design programs for other teens or younger kids, and provide lots of great ideas for improving library services.

We’ve also designed our offerings with teens in mind—we have special collections, spaces, online resources, and programs just for them. Our award-winning Adult 101: Life Skills Bootcamp for Teens series teaches the skills needed to succeed in adulthood—like time management, public speaking, and even etiquette. We also offer a teen summer reading program, book clubs, author visits, and other special events. Want to learn more? Check out our pages on volunteering, teen events, teen book lists, and homework help.

To show the ways every teen is accepted at our libraries, we gathered real teen customers—mostly volunteers from our TAB groups—to share why they love LA County Library. Check out our video!

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