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Customer Expectations

Considerate Library Behavior

LA County Library provides a welcoming environment for the community to connect, explore, and create. The Customer Expectations of Considerate Library Behavior protects the rights of our customers, staff, and volunteers while also ensuring the preservation of library materials and facilities. Individuals visiting or using the Library’s facilities or services must comply with this policy.

The Customer Expectations apply to all buildings, interior and exterior, and all grounds controlled and operated by LA County Library, and to all persons entering in or on the premises.

Any activity that unreasonably interferes with others’ use and enjoyment of the library, including but not limited to:


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Disobeying the direction of a library staff member, library security officer, or other authorized individual

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Loud, disorderly, disruptive, abusive, insulting, or threatening language, gestures or behavior

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Bodily hygiene or scent that constitutes a nuisance to others

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Harassing, threatening (written or implied) or intimidating customers or staff

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Not wearing sufficient clothing (e.g. shoes, tops, bottoms) while in the library

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Interfering with the free passage of staff or customers in or on library premises

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Possessing large items or any items that could pose a health or safety risk

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Monopolizing library space, furniture, or equipment

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Solicitation and petitioning or distributing/selling merchandise without the express permission of the County Librarian

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Panhandling, gambling, and/or loitering

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Use of personal electronic devices in a manner that is disruptive to others

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Eating, drinking, or displaying open food or liquid containers, except in areas designated for those purposes and/or with prior approval of the Library

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Leaving children or adults requiring supervision unsupervised or unattended

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Bringing animals other than service animals into the library, except as allowed at a library-approved event; or leaving an animal tethered and unattended on library premises

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Bringing bicycles, shopping carts, scooters, or other similar conveyances inside the library facilities

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Riding of hover boards or skateboards inside the library

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Using library materials, equipment, fixtures, furniture, designated spaces, locations, buildings, or grounds in any manner that:

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Is inconsistent with normal library intended purposes, including spaces or equipment designated for particular customers (e.g. designated children’s areas)

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Is inconsistent with the normal use of library restrooms or water fountains(e.g., bathing, shaving, and changing or washing clothes)

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Is likely to damage library property or the property of others

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Is likely to cause personal injury to one’s self or others


Any behavior that is prohibited by law or County of Los Angeles or Library policies, including but not limited to:

Threats of physical harm against an individual, group of individuals or property

Unlawful possession of weapons

Smoking, use of any tobacco products, or any use or preparation of electronic or vaping devices or substances, on library premises within 50 feet of an entrance or exit

Viewing or printing illegal materials (e.g. child pornography)

Sexual misconduct or harassment (e.g. stalking; exposure; offensive touching); staring at or following a customer or staff in a disruptive or disturbing manner

Photographing, audio recording, or filming persons without prior approval from the Library Manager

Theft of or vandalism of materials or items belonging to the library, staff and/or other library users

Possessing, selling, distributing, consuming, or being under the influence of any alcoholic beverage (except as allowed at a library approved event) or controlled substance

Unapproved entry in non-public areas of library

Refusal to leave premises at closing time or trespassing at any other time

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Willful and/or repeated behavior that is prohibited by law or the County of Los Angeles may result in one or more of the following consequences:

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Intervention by law enforcement, including possible arrest and prosecution

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Non-compliance following a verbal warning may result in the customer being asked to leave for the day or a longer period of time

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Suspension of library privileges, including removal from and denial of access for a period determined by the County Librarian

Message to Parents

We are delighted that you are encouraging your child to use LA County Library. We are glad to be your partner in supporting your child’s education and reading experiences.

It is the responsibility of LA County Library to supply a wide-ranging collection of books and other materials to meet the varying needs and wide-ranging interests of the diverse populations of Los Angeles County. These materials include subjects intended for many grade and maturity levels and reflect varying viewpoints and philosophies.

No one knows your child like you do. You are your child’s most important adviser in choosing materials which meet his or her needs. As a parent or guardian, it is your responsibility to take an active role in selecting materials that are suitable for your child to read or view.

Your signature on your child’s library card application means that you understand that your child will have access to the whole library with its wide range of resources, even those that may not meet your personal standards. The library staff does not take responsibility for judging the appropriateness of materials selected by your child when you are not present to supervise those selections.

Below are suggestions for making sure that you and your child have a positive library experience:

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Visit the library together

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Help your child select materials. Read through or review their selections to be sure that they meet your standards.

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Introduce yourself to the Children’s Librarian. They will be glad to help you to select library materials for your family

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Familiarize yourself with the LA County Library policy on public access Internet use and how to guide your children’s use of the Internet

We hope that you and your child enjoy your time at the library.

Children Left Unattended Policy

LA County Library encourages children of all ages to visit the Library with their parents to take advantage of the resources available for them to meet their informational, recreational and educational needs. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure the appropriate behavior of their children in the Library.

Library staff is not responsible for the supervision of children left unattended by their parents. Disruptive children may be required to leave after receiving one warning.

Library staff may notify the appropriate authorities if they have reason to suspect that there is significant evidence of abuse or neglect. If unattended children are not picked up when the Library closes, law enforcement will be called to assume responsibility for the child.

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