
Writers’ Corner

Let us help you write and publish the next great American novel! Here are some ways writers can publish, format and discover indie books, and learn new writing techniques and skills.

Discover and Read

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Discover new authors by exploring self-published eBooks in the “Indie California” collection. The best submitted books, as determined by Library Journal, appear in Library Journal Select Collections. Create a BiblioBoard account to browse and instantly read eBooks.

Submit your eBook

Indie Author Project

Have you written a book? Local authors can submit their eBook to the library using Indie Author Project. Online submission is quick and easy. Distribution of the eBook is royalty-free and the license is non-exclusive. If you need help formatting your book, use Pressbooks.

Format your eBook

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Pressbooks is an easy-to-use online software that allows authors to create professional quality eBooks and print-ready files in ePUB, MOBI and PDF formats. Free for library customers – sign in with your BiblioBoard account.

Share Your Immigration & Citizenship Story

Family outside

We want to know more about your experience immigrating to the US! No matter your country of origin (or current status), please consider sharing your journey with us. Such stories can serve as an inspiration to so many who want to share in the American Dream. Submit your stories in any form such as a written narrative (Doc or PDF file), photos, audio, or video. Submissions will be reviewed and then posted on our BiblioBoard community collections.

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