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Guidelines for Use of Meeting Rooms

Guidelines for Use of Meeting Rooms

Meeting Room Use Agreement

LA County Library is a center for community engagement. As a benefit to our communities, LA County Library makes meeting and conference rooms available to the public. Although library-sponsored activities take priority, individuals and groups will be accommodated based on availability. Repeat bookings on a continuous basis will be considered according to the needs of the Library service. This policy covers meeting rooms, which have seating for more than 20, and conference rooms, which have seating for 20 or fewer. Study rooms, which generally seat 1 – 8, are free of charge and are subject to the Study Room Policy.

  • Those reserving meeting rooms must be adults (18 years of age or older) and agree to follow all guidelines.
  • Meeting rooms, private use (seating for more than 20) cost $60 for noncommercial use and $100 for commercial use for up to 4 hours, including set-up and clean-up time.
  • Conference rooms, private use (seating for 20 or fewer) cost $30 for noncommercial use and $50 for commercial use for up to 4 hours, including set-up and clean-up time.
  • Use of meeting rooms must be consistent with LA County Library’s mission and purpose, promoting community engagement, cultural exploration, and/or lifelong learning, and must in no way impede the use of or access to the library by other customers.
  • Meeting rooms may not be used for purposes prohibited by County ordinances, or by state or federal law.
  • Attendance may not exceed the posted legal capacity.
  • Permission to use a meeting room does not constitute endorsement by LA County Library.
  • All promotional materials for events not co- sponsored by the library must include the statement “This program is not sponsored or endorsed by LA County Library.”
  • During a co-sponsored program (conducted jointly with LA County Library), each party agrees to hold the other harmless for liability resulting from their negligent acts or omissions.
  • In all other cases, liability insurance is required which names LA County Library as an additional insured, or the applicant must provide a certificate of insurance that is acceptable to LA County Library. The applicant is responsible for injury or damage to any persons, equipment, or property.
  • Proof of insurance must be provided one week prior to the use of the facility and must provide at least $1,000,000 for each occurrence. A $2,000,000 minimum is required when a group has provided an Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) license.
  • Reservations can be made at any time but must meet all requirements (e.g. proof of insurance, payment) and will not be accepted more than 120 days in advance unless approved by the Library Director. Fees must be paid, and documentation must be provided at least one week prior to the date of use. When an event is cancelled after fees are paid, the applicant may select another open date within 120 days. Application fees are not refundable unless cancellation is initiated by LA County Library or approved by the Library Director.
  • The applicant or an organizational designee who is at least 18 years of age must be present during the entire event. Events must conclude at least 5 minutes before the library closes, and the building vacated by closing time (unless the event is scheduled outside of library operating hours by prior arrangement).
  • The applicant takes full responsibility for leaving the meeting room in a clean and orderly condition. Basic set-up is provided by library staff. Library equipment (including kitchens) may be available for public use. Certain types of events may be subject to a cleaning fee. Meeting room use outside of regular library operating hours may be subject to additional fees. The applicant takes full responsibility for damage to the equipment and to the facility. LA County Library reserves the right to require licensed security, paid for by the applicant, to be present at the event.
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