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  • July 11, 2018

Six More MakMos Are Joining Our Fleet

Six More MakMos Are Joining Our Fleet

Six More MakMos Are Joining Our Fleet 1024 683 LA County Library

Six More MākMōs Are Joining Our Fleet

Thanks to Funding from the Department of Mental Health

As part of a partnership to implement Community Prevention Services, LA County Library recently received generous funding from the Department of Mental Health (DMH) to add 6 additional MākMō Maker Mobiles to its previous fleet of 4, for a grand total of 10 vans that bring makerspace learning directly to the community! The goal of the partnership is to provide even more learning opportunities that help youth feel more confident and competent in STEAM fields, which can help them build the foundation needed for 21st century jobs.

The colorfully-wrapped vans travel around the County, increasing awareness of non-traditional Library programs and services. The first van rolled out in December 2016, with 3 more following in September 2017. The vans have been a huge success, introducing kids and adults to emerging technologies and fun activities, reaching those who might not easily be able to visit their local library, and creating and expanding library partnerships. The MākMōs have offered over 485 programs at libraries and 160 plus outreach events, reaching nearly 45,000 people in all.

“We were looking for a way to provide access to all of our communities that might not otherwise have access to these newer technologies, or maybe kids whose parents don’t even know this type of stuff exists,” says Jesse Walker-Lanz, Library Administrator for Adult and Digital Services. “Thinking long-term, there’s a huge demand for STEAM careers, so sparking young peoples’ interest in those activities was important to us.”

At both quick stops and large events—and the ability to set up indoors or outside—the vans bring the maker education philosophy with them. Everywhere it goes, MākMō seems to spark curiosity.

“MākMō allows us to meet people where they are and also take technology outside of the library, and to reach a set of people that might not think of going to a library, or realize that these are the types of services a library offers,” said Skye Patrick, LA County Library Director. “We are so grateful to DMH for providing the funding that has allowed us to expand our fleet, hire more staff, and expand these popular and valuable programs to reach even more County residents.”

MākMō has developed a menu of nearly endless possibilities, providing customized, hands-on learning that extends far beyond the traditional role of a library. Look for scheduled MākMō visits near you!

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