Teen Tech Month
Introducing Technology with Events for Learning, Making, and More!
In 2007, the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), created Teen Tech Week, a national initiative aimed at teens, their parents, educators, and other concerned adults. The purpose was to ensure that teens are competent and ethical users of digital media—especially the non-print resources offered through libraries, such as eBooks, eReaders, databases, audiobooks, and social media—and to serve as a reminder that libraries provide a bridge across the digital divide, and are a great way to be introduced to information technology.
LA County Library expanded on the Tech Week idea, making March Teen Tech Month. We recognize that digital media and tools play a big part in teens’ lives, and that not all teens have access to technology at home or school, so we’re working to help teens build critical digital and tech literacy skills, which can help increase chances of success in school, and prepare learners for college and 21st century careers.
All month long, our libraries are offering programs that make tech fun and easy—like stop motion movie making, coding with Minecraft, snap circuits, robotics, wearable electronics, and more! Check out the feed on the right to find an event near you.
Visit your local LA County Library location in the month of March to learn about technology and have a lot of fun!
Upcoming Teen Tech Month Events
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