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Native American
Heritage Month

Can you tell me more about Native American Heritage Month?

National Native American Heritage Month celebrates the culture, contributions, and heritage of Native Americans. In 1990 President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution designating November 1990 “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations, under variants on the name (including “Native American Heritage Month” and “National American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month”) have been issued each year since 1994.

National Native American Heritage Month is also a time to educate the public about native American tribes, raise a general awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced, and to illuminate the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges.

Native American family reading together

Recent Event

Dr. Klye Mays, Professor of African American Studies, American Indian Studies, and History at UCLA discusses the historical relationship between African Americans and Native Americans in the United States, with a specific focus on their shared activism during the Black and Red Power movements.

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Native American Heritage Month Book Talks

In celebration of Native American Heritage Month, we’re sharing weekly Book Talks in November, featuring items in our American Indian Resource Center collection.

2024 Book Talks

Week 4
Crazy Brave

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Week 3
Rez Ball

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Week 2
A Council of Dolls

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Week 1
Rock Your Mocs (
Recommended for ages 4-8)
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Past Book Talks

Braiding Sweetgrass

Recommended for adults.
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We Had a Little Real Estate Problem
Recommended for adults.
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Just Like Grandma

Recommended for kids 4-8.
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Deb Haaland: First Native American Cabinet Secretary
Recommended for kids 8-13.
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Activity Ideas

Yankton Dakota Artist Mary Sully

Yankton Dakota artist Mary Sully (1896-1963) was a largely self-taught artist known for her modern abstract style of symmetrical geometrical shapes. Create your own inspired artwork with tissue paper using this tutorial video. Contact your local library for related in-person programs and pick up a kit at participating locations. For adults.

American Indian Resource Center at the LA County Library

The American Indian Resource Center (AIRC) at Huntington Park Library was established in 1979 to address informational needs of American Indians in Los Angeles County and to make information about them available to the larger community. Help us transcribe letters from our collection that were recently digitized.

Additional Information

Native American Heritage Month
Native American Heritage Month Playlist on Kanopy – A collection of films celebrating and honoring Native American history and heritage.
Native American Heritage Month – Library of Congress website includes the history of the establishment of Native American Heritage Month.
Census Facts, Native American Heritage Month 2022
National Museum of the American Indian – Part of the Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI) cares for one the world’s largest collection of Native artifacts. NMAI operates 3 facilities and a large outreach department that includes websites, traveling exhibitions, and community programs.

Local Resources
LA County Land Acknowledgment
Short Overview of California Indian History – Written by Professor Edward D. Castillo, Cahuilla-Luiseno, for the California Native American Heritage Commission.
Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission – The mission of Los Angeles City/County Native American Commission (NAIC) is two fold: 1. increase the acquisition and local application of federal funds and 2. represent the special interests and concerns of Native Americans in the Los Angeles City and County. Visitors to the NAIC website can connect to local tribal governments, regional Native American organizations, and various federal and state departments.
UCLA Mapping Indigenous LA

Other Resources
Conversations: Land Acknowledgements
Indigenous Digital Archive’s Treaties Explorer
Native Knowledge 360° – For teachers and students, Native Knowledge 360° incorporate Native perspectives on Native American history and cultures.
National Archives – Native American Heritage
National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
PBS Native American Heritage Collection

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