All LA County Library locations will be closed on Monday, March 31 in honor of César Chávez Day. Our Digital Library is open 24/7.
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Program Application

LA County Library is proud to offer a variety of programs to the community in our 85 library locations. We provide equal access to the community, and all programs are offered free of charge.

Presenters can be individuals, organizations, performers, artists, or educators. Programs may include performances, workshops, concerts, or informational presentations.

Thank you for your interest in providing a program at the library. Before submitting your program proposal, please review the following:

1. All prospective presenters must complete an online application. We do not accept program proposals by email, telephone, mail, or in person at our library locations.

2. Proposals are considered with respect to LA County Library’s mission and programming priorities, staff resources, and the diverse range of learning, cultural, and recreational needs of the community.

3. Please be aware that libraries plan programs months ahead of time and receive many competitive program proposals every month. If we are interested in evaluating your services further, you will be contacted by staff. Not all applicants will be contacted.

4. If we engage your services for live in-person programs, all persons that will provide services to LA County Library, from your company/organization will need to undergo fingerprinting or a background check. This applies to all presenters/performers (volunteer and paid). At this time Virtual Programming presenters/performers do not need to undergo fingerprinting or a background check.

5. In addition, all presenters/performers doing live in-person or virtual programs will need to register as a Los Angeles County Vendor and agree to the County’s terms and conditions.

6. Presenters are expected to fully develop their own program; library staff is not available to assist in developing the program, nor to create graphics, slideshow presentations, or handouts.

7. Library programs are not an opportunity to promote your business or service. Programs must be non-commercial, and collection of customer contact information is prohibited.

8. If you are an author, please read our Collection Development Policy. LA County Library typically does not host authors that do not meet our collection guidelines.

9. Presenters may be asked to audition for our staff as part of the evaluation process.

10. The presenter shall not claim that LA County Library endorses the presenter or any product or service.

11. Before filling out this online form, gather all necessary information. You must submit this form in one session; you cannot save and return to the form.

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