Our libraries will be closed Thursday, July 4 for Independence Day. Select libraries will serve as Cooling Centers through July 8 (including July 4). Our digital library is open 24/7.

  • December 18, 2023

Book Reviews by Teens

Book Reviews by Teens

Book Reviews by Teens 150 150 LA County Library

Book Reviews By Teens

Check Out What Other Teens are Reading

Check out these reviews written by our teen customers! We love hearing what you think. If you are in grades 7 – 12 and want to review a book you’ve read, submit your review using the form below. New reviews are posted monthly!

Submit Your Review

Fill out the form below to submit your own book review to be added to our website.

  • We will only post your first name with your review. If you would like to have the review posted anonymously please let us know in the comments section below.
  • We will send a copy of your review to your library. In order to receive volunteer credit for submitting a book review you must make arrangements with your local library in advance. If you are submitting a review as part of your volunteer service they will sign off on the hours for you.
  • A copy of this form will be emailed to you.
  • Please submit your book review here. Book reviews should be between 150-250 words, and should require little or no editing by library staff. Feel free to show us your personality! Remember, you aren't writing a book report. Have fun with it!
  • Every book has an ISBN. This number can be found in the library catalog on our website lacountylibrary.org.
  • Feel free to choose more than one!
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