
TYTT Volume 5

Rita Ray the dress
The Dress 1024 683 LA County Library

The Dress

When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the announcer at my school’s spring assembly, which meant I would go on stage and announce each class as they came up to perform. read more
Jian Huang Made in USA
Made in the U.S.A. 1024 683 LA County Library

Made in the U.S.A.

During the summer of 1997, Timothy McVeigh was tried on television for killing people in Oklahoma. The English stood along the streets outside Westminster Abbey to bid farewell to Princess Diana. And in Los Angeles, our closest thing to Sears – the Woolworth’s on Broadway and 8th — closed its doors after years of declining business. read more
Tell Your True Tale volume 5 cover and logo
5 | Introduction 1024 683 LA County Library

5 | Introduction

The search, the trip, the obsession with finding some knowledge – these themes have provided fodder for wonderful stories through history – from the Odyssey to Star Wars, Sherlock Holmes to Frozen. read more
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